Josh Evans Soccer School – Terms and Conditions

1. After Schools Clubs, Tournaments and Holiday Camps
a. Payment for Holiday Camps, Tournaments and After School Clubs must be made at the time of booking via Class4Kids. Your payment secures your booking.
b. All payments are to be made via the Class4Kids booking system. We do not accept cash or bank transfers.
c. Cancellation and refund Policy; 48 hours cancellation notice
d. Parent/Carer/Guardian’s Responsibilities; see para 2.10 below.
e. Siblings: see para 2.13a below.
f. Amendments / errors made to bookings; see para 2.14a below.


2. Player Pathway Coaching

2.1 Scope

a. The Terms and Conditions in Section 2 refer to the coaching we provide to students on the Josh Evans Soccer School Player Pathway.
b. The Player Pathway consists of these coaching streams: Little Legends, Pre-Academy, Girls Only Technical Session, Technical Development Centre, Skills Centre, Elite & Development Academy and Team Football Training.

2.2 Introduction

a. We aim to provide a committed, long-term coaching service to help our players achieve their soccer potential. By signing up with us, you are joining the Josh Evans Soccer School.
b. We provide coaching over the academic year on a Subscription basis.
c. The academic year and therefore our coaching year runs from September to July.

2.3 Our Commitment

a. From September to July, we undertake to provide your child/children with coaching in term time, for which we will charge an equal monthly payment, regardless of the number of weeks in that month.
b. Once a parent or Josh Evans admin makes the initial booking for a class, the child will be automatically enrolled for every term until the final session in July, unless there is a cancellation request sent via email (see 2.14a). Please refer to para. 2.7a for subscription contract cancellation details.

2.4 Our Classes

a. We offer a range of Coaching Programmes with classes of differing durations at various locations and start times, some with eligibility criteria.
b. Payment for these Coaching Programmes can only be made through the Class4Kids service available via our website and social media platforms.
c. We offer a one-week trial at all our classes (excluding Academy and Team Training) which can be made through a booking on Class4Kids. If, after the trial, you do not wish to attend the next or any further sessions, you must inform us via email at least 4 days before the next session takes place to receive a refund (less stripe fee – see para 2.14b) / or for us to cancel the subscription. Otherwise, we will assume continued attendance and you will be charged accordingly.

2.5 Payment Details

a. Once you have registered your payment card with Class4Kids, payment will be taken automatically by Class4Kids on the 1st of each month.
b. Your monthly payments will include VAT and the Class4Kids and Stripe administration charges that apply at the time.
c. Fees for match days will be invoiced monthly in arrears and payments must be made via Class4Kids immediately upon receipt of the invoice.
d. All payments are to be made via the Class4Kids booking system. We do not accept cash or bank transfers.


2.6 Tournaments

a. In addition to our Coaching Programmes, we also operate as a Soccer Club with a number of invitation-only Teams competing in different age groups.
b. We also enter Academy and non-Academy teams into various Tournaments.
c. All players are selected from within the Josh Evans Soccer School and are therefore already operating under these Terms and Conditions.
d. Tournament fees will be collected via Class4Kids as per para. 1.a.


2.7 Subscription Contract Cancellation

a. We require one month’s notice of cancellation in writing to [email protected] or [email protected]


2.8 Cancelled Sessions

a. We are offering high-quality coaching using our committed and highly qualified team of experienced coaches. We are not offering “pay as you play” classes. In the event that a class is cancelled for any reason, we therefore do not offer refunds / credits. We will, however, try to add additional coaching sessions at a convenient time, usually at the end of the season / term /school holidays.
b. If the cause of the cancellation looks likely to last longer than a fortnight, we will move our classes online and use the opportunity to discuss the non-physical side of the game, including tactics, preparation, conditioning and so on.


2.9 Missed Sessions

a. We do not expect that players will be able to attend 100% of coaching sessions because of injury, illness, holidays etc but for clarity, there are no refunds for missed sessions.
b. Should a player suffer a significant injury and be likely to miss a number of sessions, we will consider suspending subscription payments / refund at our discretion.


2.10 Parent/Carer/Guardian’s Responsibilities

a. It is your responsibility (as Parent/Carer/Guardian) to inform us of any special medical conditions at the point of booking, including behavioural issues.
b. It is also your responsibility to ensure your child always has any required medical aid with them (ie. asthma inhalers etc).
c. And it is your responsibility to advise us immediately of any changes to the information provided on registration forms.


2.11 Permissions

a. By completing our registration form, you give us permission to take photos and videos of your child and use them for promotional purposes. If you wish to opt-out, please select to opt out on your Class4Kids account.


2.12 Newcomers
a. Players joining part-way through a month will start their subscription on the 1st of the next month. This first payment will also include covering payment for the time they were with us in that first month.


2.13 Siblings
a. We provide a sibling discount (25% for the second and additional siblings)


2.14 Amendments / errors made to bookings
a. Our online booking system, Class4kids will not allow parents to make an amendment or cancel a booking. In the event of any amendment or a cancellation to a booking, please email [email protected]. You must do this 48 hours prior to the class starting or 1 months’ notice if you are paying via subscription; otherwise, you will be subject to charge.
b. In the event of a refund, the 1.5% + 20p Stripe fee will not be refunded.


2.15 End of the Coaching Year
a. At the end of the coaching year (mid-July), your subscription will be paused for the month of August. Your subscription will be automatically resumed on 1st September unless you inform us ([email protected]) you would like to cancel.
